Speaking of the future...

Was talking to some friends at the pub yesterday and one of them told me about the website Future Timeline - a speculative futurology of mankind's increasingly ambitious innovations, the world's biological events and the universe's lifeline with references to "back up" these predictions. Some of the concepts hinted at are so beyond our current comprehension, imagination and intelligence, that it's hard to believe that they won't happen. Quite an emotional read - you'll feel superior and insignificant all at the same time.


As for myself, I can't even speculate what I'll be doing later on in the day - nevermind in a month, a year, a decade or a bicentenary...


The bright new future is over

I'm not an economist or a strong mathematician and find it hard to understand how society or the human species deals with the world it lives within through this particular abstract and intangible system. The fall out and continuing 'crisis' of the financial situation has resulted in a bombardment of doom and gloom expectations over the UK economy by the fact that it just about struggles to grow at a rate of 0.1%. This idea of the need for growth and continual growth, to me anyway, sounds modernist and unattainable. How can you create an expectation of the infinite through finite means?

This idea of the importance of growth is then put into the context of other countries around the world that are seeing exponential growth rates and seem little affected by this down turn. The difference in comparison to these countries current condition is bad news for us, but why do we or should we compare our economic situation with other economies when they are - although this could just be my naivety on the subject - radically different.

Our country has experience rapid growth and development through an industrial age, dominated by a manufacturing based economy, which has moved to a post-industrial age where the industrial means of society has been replaced and based around the provision of information, innovation, finance, and services. This state of transition and displacement of the production of goods alters the mechanics of the structure and capabilities of a countries economy. Is it right then to compare this countries economy to others such as China, India, Brazil and Russia which are more along the industrial then the post-industrial line and why is it so nasty and awful for a countries economy to stagnate? Stagnation means stillness and unchanging and while that implies a loss of increase that also implies no decrease too.

In the words of Jeremy Paxman in the BBC series Empire, the history of the British Empire - the Empire that the sun never set on and the blood never dried - where at its height Britain controlled around a quarter of the worlds population, changed the mentality of this nation. Through this control the British came to believe that they had a morale mission to civilise the world. This power of Britannia is now a memory, although a memory that's never really faded and is a heritage that makes its governments continue to believe it is still entitled to be an influential voice on world affairs.

This mentality of believing we are still a strong influential power may be one reason for the need to compare and try to stand up with and next to the new super powers coming into being in this changing world.

Change is something that is part of the entropic nature of this universe and while we as a species have pushed an expectancy for a continuing growth and evolution in our capabilities, technologies and understanding of the world we live in, change is something we still seem scared of. Change is difference in kind and is happening right now in the economic climate, and the natural environment among others. Although these two are very different things, both are currently in a state of transition and we as a society seem to be gripped by the need to keep them exactly as they are without losing anymore of what we currently have. We want to change the world but we don't want the world to change.

The forecasts of the bad changes happening right now and seemingly out of our control - even if they were supposedly caused by our hand - brings a foreboding and unhealthy distrust of what the future will bring and this has made us more retrospective. Being retrospective though hasn't just come about but has existed for quite a while, it just seems far more potent now and is a certainty we can cling onto in an uncertain world. Even if it is a highly idealised and polished version of certain pasts.

With this in mind I have recently come across and been reading a couple of articles that deal with these subjects and thought I would pass them on your way here is a little piece in the Independent by Philip Hoare titled 'The shock of the old and why we seem to be so culturally conservative' and here is a piece of writing by Franco Berardi Bifo on the e-flux journal titled 'The Future After the End of the Economy'.

Also here's a link to information on an exhibition that's just finished at Wysing Arts Centre in Bourn Cambridgeshire. A place that I spent a lot of my childhood there making pottery, animated films, eating lunch up the spire of a wooden sculpture, slicing the length of my arm with flint while sliding down a hill, watching amazing hedge fireworks and art burnings. It's always surprising when places you seem to just accept as being, are so much more fascinating and impressive. Here is a review of that show and below is a picture from Erth (1971) by John Latham

John Latham, Erth, 1971. 25mins, 16mm. Courtesy the estate of the artist and LUX, London.

Some text about the film:
John Latham's film, Erth, is a visual countdown of the age of the universe, through time and space, to the surface of the earth. Latham was fascinated by the photographs of the earth that were being returned from the first space missions. From their great distance, these images described the perspective which Latham felt was necessary to perceive our temporary habitation of the planet in relation to what he called the 'whole event', the Universe. Periods of silent black space are punctuated by momentary glimpses of the earth, getting closer as the film rolls. As the camera zooms in, there is a change of pace when an entire volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica flickers past, frame-by-frame. The encyclopedia stands in as representative of our accumulated knowledge as a race, but the acceleration and obfuscation of the text alludes to the difficulties in processing or 'taking on' knowledge received in this form. For Latham, knowledge of the past could not be relied upon to solve the problems of the present, including destruction of the planets ecological systems. In the final frames of Erth a blurred figure is seen in the landscape, a representative of the "brilliant streptococcus organism for which no antidote exists" (JL).

from http://www.flattimeho.org.uk/project/25/





Sight and Sound on Lynch

A great read and would you believe a better understanding of Mulholland Dr. http://www.bfi.org.uk/sightandsound/feature/49820

As Lynch told Peter Henne of Film Journal International, “You know, films are a world within a world. And maybe it’s a world within a world within a world – within another world. It’s a really beautiful thing how lost we are, and we want to get even more lost sometimes.”


Wasps Briggait studio space

Wasps Artists Studios is offering a large studio within The Briggait in Glasgow's Merchant City to an artist collective at a discounted rate for a fixed period of time.

The studio is approximately 600sqft which would comfortably fit six to eight people. The discounted rate is £300.00 per month with heating and electricity included. The rent will be set for an initial period of a year.

The Briggait is home to around 55 artists and 24 cultural organisations and offers great opportunities to meet and form working relationships with other creative practitioners across a number of art-forms. The building also provides opportunities to exhibit work within its three exhibition spaces.

If you are interested in applying for this opportunity or have any questions please email Wasps' administrator Michelle info@waspsstudios.org.uk

This could be a really good place and even if it was just 4 of us using the space for a year we would be paying £75 each 6 of us would be paying £50 a month each and 8 of us would pay £37.50. Dont think this will be around for long. Let me know what you think


Manifesto #9

Call for submissions Manifesto#9

We are seeking submissions for the next issue of the occasional D.I.Y art ‘zine Manifesto. Unusually we are starting on the next issue whilst the current one, guest edited  by Craig Allen, is still being produced. The reason for this is that Manifesto is hitting the road! We have been offered a stall at our first ever
 ‘zine fair held at Wolstenholme Creative Space in Liverpool next month. We are also going back to our roots with this issue being edited by original founders Sam Smith and Geoffrey Leung.


Manifesto is a handmade, black and white photocopied, A5 fanzine

We accept original, non digital art work and writing. That means no digital photographs, photoshops or word processing. We love hand drawn/painted images, handwritten texts, Polaroid photos, printmaking, collage or pretty much anything you can fit into a photocopier.

1 x A5 page per contributor, don’t forget to put your name on the bottom if you want to be famous.

We prefer work to be sent in the post but if that isn’t practical a scan of the original is acceptable.

We fund this out of our own pockets and distribute for free so if you would like your artwork back and a few copies of the finished ‘zine a stamped S.A.E would be greatly appreciated.

Deadline Monday 9th April 2012

Previous issues are available to view at sam-smith.org.uk

For details on sending work or any other questions don’t hesitate to give us a shout at manifesto-zine@hotmail.co.uk

Please feel free to distribute this amongst your contacts, we love getting new people on board.

Potential Exhibition Space

Hey guy,

Kirsty, has started volunteeting for Globe Gallery in Newcastle (though I've yet to see it in the flesh (as fleshy as galleries get)) it seems like a good space for the Swan Collective

Here's a pic taken from the Archive section. Have a browse http://www.globegallery.org/archive.php and post up some thoughts. If a gallery later becomes available in Glasgow I don't see why we couldn't exhibit in both - either same show or another show entirely

Piero l'artigianale

Piero l'artigianale, Plywood, Gold Leaf, Signwriters' Enamel, 2012

So here we are, my first proper new work of 2012, kindly photographed by Geoff.

This was pretty labour intensive by my standards and it was all done by hand, you know in a proper artisanal manner, these are just a couple of cameraphone progress pics....
