Well I guess it saves me the trouble and effort of having to wait in a queue before I enter; get x-ray scanned as I enter the building; handing over my bag, camera, coat and other possessions to someone else who I don't trust anymore than myself; paying far too much money to see a load of art that ultimately I don't really care much for; fighting past crowds of sweaty tourists at every stage of my visit and barely being able to see what artworks I am ultimately interested in; and leaving an hour later feeling ripped off and annoyed... now thanks to Google, I can see great works of art as they're meant to be seen and experienced!
Well I guess it saves me the trouble and effort of having to wait in a queue before I enter; get x-ray scanned as I enter the building; handing over my bag, camera, coat and other possessions to someone else who I don't trust anymore than myself; paying far too much money to see a load of art that ultimately I don't really care much for; fighting past crowds of sweaty tourists at every stage of my visit and barely being able to see what artworks I am ultimately interested in; and leaving an hour later feeling ripped off and annoyed... now thanks to Google, I can see great works of art as they're meant to be seen and experienced!