I haven't done an official announce/call for entries for this yet, so I might as well get on with it - shall spread the info on Facebook too and through good ol' word of mouth:

Manifesto #5 - Call for Entries!

Calling all artists, idealists, creatives and destructives - we want your work! We are looking for new contributions for the next issue of Manifesto and we'd like to have you involved!

(You can see some small previews of past issues of Manifesto here under 'ZINE:

Some of the things we like include: drawings, sketches, doodles, diagrams, plans, lists, to do lists, to don't lists, writings, wrongings, wordplay, plordway, conceptual art, nonsensical art, contemporary art, temporary con art, non-art, ap-art, post-mundaneist art, coarse art, find art, photocopies, collages, polaroids, disposable camera photos, film, celluloid, scraps of paper, textures, games, plagiarisms, appropriations, inappropriations, rip-offs, tear-offs, carefully take-offs, finished work/play/rest, unfinished work/play/rest, stuff, things, objects, doolallies, originals, unoriginals etc, ect, tce, tce, cte, cet...

What we do not want - digital works, i.e photoshops, computer drawings, programs, screenshots, digital photos, stills from videos and so on. Tangible objects please - the easier they are to photocopy, the better (although we like a good challenge)!

The deadline for entries is the 2nd of April 2011 - you can send work to this address:

11 Green Lane
West Yorkshire
BD12 8LB

Alternatively if you know me in person just pass the work onto me!

*Manifesto is produced as a photocopied, folded and stapled A4 booklet (portrait) - each page/side is A5 and will be printed in black & white. Keep this in mind when sending work. One contribution for each person please.
*We would prefer one side/page for each person's work, but spreads across two sides might be accepted if the work really demands it.
*Original works of art will probably not be returned to you - send [photo]copies or duplicates if needs be.
*Don't forget to include your name, a return address and ideally an email address with your work! (you can sign, date and title them if you feel like it too, I won't stop you...)
*Around 100 copies of Manifesto #5 will be produced - these will then be evenly distributed between contributors around late April/May time, free of charge!

Thanks for reading and I hope to see some contributions from you soon - time is ticking! If you have anymore questions, just message me or send me an email at jj .DOT. mcandrew (AT) gmail .DOT. com

And finally... what is Manifesto?

Described as "a strictly D.I.Y. non digital outlet for those inconsequential ideas we all have", Manifesto is an occasional artists ‘zine edited by Sam Smith and Geoffrey Leung. Originally produced to tie in with an exhibition by founder Sam Smith, since 2008 four issues of Manifesto have been released in limited quantities as a free, folded-and-stapled, black-and-white photocopied A4 booklet, usually coinciding with short run exhibitions in the Carlisle art scene. What originally started off as a "split" between two artists has grown in scale as subsequent issues have been produced with contributions from a growing list of local, national and international comrades identifying with Manifesto's ethos and freedom. However, since the geographical shift of Manifesto's base location as its core members and contributors moved to different ends of the UK, the zine had been temporarily put on hold as we regained our footings and wondered what direction to take Manifesto in next. After discussions, we feel we're ready again - only this time we've decided to try something slightly new...

Starting from the fifth issue, Manifesto will not be solely produced by Sam Smith or Geoffrey Leung, but will rather be promoted, curated, edited, designed, compiled and produced by others. From start to finish; from preparation to publication; from let-someone-else-do-it, to do-it-yourself - each issue will be the responsibility of a new editor and will remain under their control until the issue is released to the public, after which their role will be passed over to some new, and so on.

We hope that through this method, Manifesto will continue to expand as a zine and network through the addition of new blood found in new locations, as well as keep its members active and inspired. Manifesto will still remain the same non-digital zine that it has always been and will continue to have an editorial by Sam Smith (who will also have the final word on who guest-edits).


  1. The latest edition is in the post zooming its way to you all as we speak, sorry about the delay it's been pretty shitty for me the past couple of weeks.

    I think after Johns Manifesto Zine maybe we should do another manifesto/black swan zine again one that only includes work by ourselves maybe submit several pieces of work that we think are of a better quality than what we normally submit for Manifesto.

  2. Looking forward to receiving it Craig - and yeah, I'd like to get started on a new Black Swan issue too.

    P.S. Pretty sure I didn't get the Staples job, or at least they never rang me back to say whether I had or hadn't got it. I'll still do Manifesto on the cheap though
