Think you will all appreciate this site (especially Kit and Nathan) - it's a new video sharing website run by the French/German TV channel ARTE that's dedicated to showcasing all forms of creative work, especially video art, film, new media and moving image. Quite a few European institutes and film festivals have been using it to share work, but also artists too like Roman Signer and John Wood & Paul Harrison. So far it's still in Beta mode which is why I'm guessing not many people seem to be aware of it yet (I only heard about it yesterday), but it will probably take off in time - and hey, could be another good place to upload your work...
I'll leave you with an interesting video on the site - Bad Beuys Entertainment's SICTOM (2001), which beat Guy Ben Ner's Stealing Beauty (2007) by a fair few years with the idea of using furniture stores as film sets...