The Creative Act

Hey all,

The Creative Act is a short essay by Duchamp in 1957 and talks about the intuition of the artist and the importance of the audience in the validation of art work. I came across it today, it's short but sweet and I'd say worth a read. In a period when certain people were writing about what art should be, Marcel always seems to be far more radical in his thinking.

Also found it kind of interesting when he mentions how there are millions of artists creating but only a few thousand are discussed or accepted and by the spectator and many less again are consecrated by posterity. Even before the internet, the development of a variety of the academic schools of art with their degrees and the thousands of students who choose that route, we're really not very different form other periods of the past.

Also watched the 2nd episode of the film Odyssey program and it was really rather good (think Nathan might find this one rather insightful)


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