Think Craig and John may enjoy this one



  1. Been about 7 months since I was last on the dreaded Facebook? Apart from a quick stalk whilst staying at Kit's in April which I soon regretted doing. Doesn't even enter the mind now, only get reminded of it when other people talk about their statuses, shares and likes in real life - which is more often than you would think, worryingly.

    Never lost the addictive side of me, merely transferred my usage to other websites? So still another cog in the big machine. At the end of the day Facebook still has nothing on Google/Gmail/YouTube/Blogger - they know pretty much all my dark and dirty secrets...


  2. I hadn't been on Facebook since October last year but Voluntary Arts were adamant that I set up an Arts Ambassador - Falkirk page which I have now done but 7 months after I was supposed to. I can see the advantages as to why people use it as I now have been able to spread the word of my gallery space further than I could before but I do not see why people use it for personal purposes. I did get depressed at the idea of how I have managed to cut myself off from a lot of people that I once spoke to on a regular basis but I think I am over that now, you know where I am :D.
