Following some discussion on the point and purpose of the BS collective, such as it is, I would like to propose the formation of a regular-as-far-as-possible study group for discussing papers, theses, books, pamphlets, ideas or whatever, in order to help our individual research as well as encouraging some slightly more formalised critical debate within the group and/or interpersonal chillaxing with tea and cake. This is basically, what happened in uni bar the tea and cake, with Ciara’s lectures and the seminar groups, the only difference being we choose the papers ourselves and there is no formal direction.
The group would run as follows; one person chooses a text which is important/inspirational/difficult/controversial to them - whether that is a post-it note, a magazine article, an essay, a chapter of a book, in short anything that you would like to share or get feedback on. They then email it to everyone before meeting up to discuss, eat cake and whatnot. Then someone else chooses a thing to gather round and discuss, ad inifitum, until everyone is full of cake and knowledge. Yum.
As we have something of a tradition for naming things I hereby christen this vastly original concept as, Untitled (Indigestion Relief Club for Esoteric Discussion and Emancipated Learning) 2012, to be henceforth referred to only as, Book Club. Those in favour say “aaayye!” and I’ll put together an email group.
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