Without going so far as the late German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen’s infamous declaration that the World Trade Center attacks were “the greatest work of art” .....



One for John

...if he's still there...?


Anyone interested in this?

Stalled Spaces
WHO: Artists.

WHAT: Glasgow City Council now invites applications for the Community Support for Stalled Spaces fund. Proposals should follow the guidelines/criteria as laid out in the following link which also contains inspiring examples and a first point of contact for anyone who wishes to apply for funding: www.glasgow.gov.uk/stalledspaces Proposals must take place within the Glasgow City Council Boundary.Development & Regeneration Officers can assist community groups to complete their applications. Hard copies of application forms are available on request.

WHEN: Closing Date for applications: 27th of August.

PAYMENTS: Funding is available from a minimum of £1,000 to a maximum of £2,500.

DETAILS: Glasgow, from its legacy as an industrial city, now has a problem with Stalled sites across the city. Glasgow currently has more vacant sites than the rest of Scotland put together. Many of these sites may have plans for future development, however this can be anywhere from one to over ten years until development is scheduled to begin. This project delivers an innovative approach to dealing with issues relating to poor environmental conditions that have become more prevalent due to economic downturn. The Stalled Spaces project focuses on the temporary use of vacant land, under utilised openspace and sites earmarked for development though stalledT. These projects deliver a range of initiatives that promote health and wellbeing.

APPLY: Contact: Stalled Spaces, Planning Service – Development Plan, Development & Regeneration Services, 0141 287 8618.

CONTACT: stalledspaces@glasgow.gov.uk


Deadline: 27 August 2012

Organiser/employer: Public Art Scotland

[ Added on 28 June 2012 ]

I'm going to try to increase my online presence as I feel I have began to alienate myself from not only the group but the world through no one's fault but my own. Less of that chat, I thought I'd start with this wonderful image of our favourite Frenchman. 


Where did John Go?

Pardon my ignorance as to if there has been a post and I'm not up to date on events but what's happened to John, wasn't his name on the list to left?


D.I.Y till I die

Following on from my last post... more screenprinting!

I've just spent the afternoon helping Luke print some album sleeves for a Sea Shepherd benefit gig here in Norwich. A damn good cause and a pretty awesome print of a whale I'm sure you'll agree. Anyway pics below, shit doesn't get much more D.I.Y than this

Got to protect the walls in a rented flat

Pull & Flood

Pretty sharp with a 90T screen

Luke & Heidi's bed drying rack
Jobs a good 'un

Sam x

Patching In

Now you've all got your Black Swan T's (and hopefully wearing them!) I'll share a few pictures of them being printed...

Screen set up & ready to go

Add one Earth Positive T Shirt..

And Dry/Cure
Thanks again to my old man for actually doing the printing! (You can see some of his current T's here).

Be cool to see some pictures of everyone wearing theirs on here in the future..
