I'm going to try to increase my online presence as I feel I have began to alienate myself from not only the group but the world through no one's fault but my own. Less of that chat, I thought I'd start with this wonderful image of our favourite Frenchman. 



  1. have you made the whole thing or is it just a cover so far?

    You could make a whole zine of Johnny through the ages, he just has so many styles...

  2. Hey dude, good to hear from you and I'm loving this image!

    Is Untitled something you've set up?


  3. Untitled is a working title of a publication that is coming out in Falkirk that tries to bring together the local arts groups and organisations, I made the front cover but I think that's because we are all secret Johnny Hallyday fans. The work inside is by numerous arts groups throughout the area but the printing costs are too expensive for it to go into print at the moment. I have been giving editing duties over the next few issues when things become a bit more established.
