That's right. The Queen is having a poo. Alison Jackson. Worth a look.


one for Craig

Found this painting out by the bins at my studios and couldn't resist 'improving' it with a sharpie


British Art Show 7

This is a touring exhibition around the UK and features a real range of diverse art practices, some I found wonderful and over not so... I got to see it when it was on at the Hayward gallery in London recently and noticed that it will be up in Glasgow for a period of time from the 27th of May. This show does include Christian Marclay's 'The Clock' which is a 24 hour moving image installation made up of appropriated footage of sections of clocks or the mentioning of time from films and TV throughout the history of celluloid. It has been compiled and been edited into a chronologically sequenced order to correlate with actual time... Its unbelievable!

I did notice that there was one day during the exhibition in London when they opened the gallery for 24 hours so you could attempt to watch 'The Clock' in its entirety. While the events schedule hasn't been released yet for the Glasgow variant I am hoping/expecting they will do that again. I think its definitely worth doing! I will be there with a sleeping bag and picnic set


p.s. Really liking your new outcomes Sam

studio shots

After spending most of the last month making art for other people it's been pretty good getting back in the studio this week. With the deadline of todays crit, scrap wood and sticky aluminium foil I've been busy.............

Excuse slightly crap photos
'This Used To Be The Future' 
Chipboard, Timber, Aluminium Tape

Still needs a sandbag or something to stand up properly tho

This was my first try, reads 'there should be more of this'

Sam x

Potential Ideas

I just had a meeting with an advisor for becoming self employed, the job centre put me in touch with him so I got the advice for free. Anyway I went there to discuss the possibility of setting up a small artist led gallery in Falkirk and he gave me some advice and people to contact to get the ball rolling. The conversation turned towards Manifesto and the Blackswancollective as the advisor suggested that I get an art collective on the go as this would illustrate there is a sufficient artist out put and it keeps the costs down. Set up a website to advertise our artwork, make magazines, copyright our logo and publicise it to the extreme, which have already done. He then suggested that we create a national charity called Manifesto or BlackSwanCollective, a charity that promotes the local arts in our specific location creating a branch of Mainfesto/BSC in our towns as this would allow us to apply for specialised funding and pay no rates or a minimal fee on renting properties in order to put on exhibitions. I am not sure if this avenue has been discussed before so I thought I would mention it here. I am currently setting up a meeting with Business in Falkirk in order to discuss copyright, a meeting with the charity commission to discuss how to set up a charity and leasing with the council to gain access to empty shops for a week or so.

None of this is set in stone just an idea at the moment and I am only seeking information on what we could to take Manifesto/BSC further in the future. I know that we would eligible for applying for grants offered by the Voluntary Arts Scotland such as the make a splash fund that offers up to 2000 pounds to put on events but I would not be allowed to directly apply for that as I work for VAS. I have been given access to the councils  database of funders but yet to find one suitable for us but there are loads to go through.

What does everyone else think about this idea of setting up a national charity in order to put on exhibitions in our areas or maybe one large scale blackswancollective show at the end of the year?

Craig Allan
Arts Ambassador for Falkirk

Falkirk 1918 (Present Day)

Just thought I would share this story with everyone just to demonstrate the kind of thing I have to put with around here on a daily basis. It does make me laugh and feel superior though.

I was in the studio yesterday and I was asked to help clean out the workshop, which i did. As a reward for helping I got the pick of the stuff that was getting thrown out, so I got my hands on the best of the boards and materials. Amongst the boards was this grotesque oil painting of some rich auntie that was commissioned years ago, apparently valued at over a grand. Thanks I am having that!.

Naturally as you do with all portraits that have some sort of value, I drew on the token moustache. Hung up the portrait on the wall  with the caption,  Howcome ugly gals get pregnant? (this is a running statement in a series of observational drawings I have been doing of Falkirk) written really crudely on a warped plank of wood. In a tribute to Duchamp and in particular Rrose Selavy, I nailed up another plank of wood, this time with FEMMEAGE writen on it.

Anyway this action cause an outrage amongst the people "artists" in the studio so much that upon arrival at the studio the work had been taken down by the guy who owns the studios! Which makes me think, what kinda place is this where the work of Marcel Duchamp never happened or is not recognisable. My first thought after I had created the work was Ah it has been done! but meh. So if we ever do have a show in Falkirk which I think is something really worth thinking about as the space above my studio is huge! remember to turn your watches back to 1918 to a time before a moustache was drawn on the Mona Lisa.

Sadly there are no photographs of this delightful femmeage to Duchamp as the cameras are not widely available in 1918.


One for the CV

Hey Everyone,

Thought I'd share something I'm up to at the moment... I've been working as an assistant to Ivan Morisson. Not sure if I'm supposed to say what on the internet but it's pretty interesting and bloody hard work! I'll reveal more later but check out his website

Just an update,

I just spoke with Carl Sowerby and gave him the link for the site and address for the Zine submission. Good timing in extending the deadline John! He also passed on his website which is definately worth a look