Recent Endeavours...

Here's a sneaky preview of something I'm currently working on...

Full head cast in concrete!

Sam x


  1. Looking cool dude, really taken by the box with DON'T on it... Along with the inglenook fire place in the background it makes for a rather interesting image.


  2. That 'Don't' is a lightbox I made about 4 years ago, not sure why it's still kicking around

  3. Nice work with the cast, keep us updated with what you do with it next...

    DON'T was in your Badger Badger show right?

  4. Nice, from the image it looked like someone had just randomly scribbled DON'T onto a shoe box. Still am rather taken by this image on it's own but liking the cast too. Is it a certain Paddy acting as model?

  5. John, the don't sign was from just before that show and it kind of led on to the big wall piece with the illuminated text

    and yes it is a cast of my old mans head. He sat very well for it too
