Exhibition Space

Hey guys,

It seems I have finally found a new exhibition space in Carlisle. Westwalls Studios. The catch is that rent is £130 a month. I understand the offer is still there, should I be able to manage the rent.
I discussed with Craig earlier the idea of paying the first month myself and then funding the next month through exhibitions. With the venue being Westwalls it seems sensible of a 1 night opening per show - which could mean 3 shows a month. I'm just wondering if you guys can think of anyway to keep the space open. Fundraising is obvious - though with the degree show I would imagine interest would soon die out from constant pub quizzes - not to mention exhausting myself funding two things at once will maintaining all manner of work. Charging viewers I would think is questionable? Donation boxes may generate some dosh, but I wouldn't imagine much (I had to include "dosh" for some reason).
One advantage is that the space will most likely be harrassed by myself for media attention - so giving the artists in Westwalls publicity and a space to exhibit. But, I do wonder how this can be worked to pay the rent?
Any ideas/thoughts? Take it? leave it?



  1. £130 will be tricky to find every month, but don't forget you might have general DIY stuff to pay for too (at the very least in the initial stages). I can't offer you any more insight personally into starting your own gallery (not a proper one anyway), so I just want to tell you Nathan, good luck. We're all counting on you.

  2. as John says, other costs, 3 shows a month is very ambitious... and also 3 lots of publicity etc (also unlike Brighton & Glasgow Carlisle has no culture of paying for drink at previews so it might be hard to make any money back that way)

    Is there anyway of renting it on a show by show basis, ie rent for a week at a time (as and when you need it) on the understanding that if anyone wants to take the space longer term you have no claim?

    That may appeal if the space is currently empty & I know west walls were struggling a bit financially last year

  3. cheers guys, Sam I like your idea of a weekly rent per show. I shall put that forth and if not most likely look elsewhere. I'll keep you informed of any developments. I have been looking to get into touch with some film students, one of which has the Methodist Church - though I'm unsure on its security. Anyway, until then....
