Idea for a text piece

                      Marcel makes it all possible
                      Donald makes shelves
                    Salvador makes me angry
                        Kurt makes barns
                      Robert makes love
                      Damien makes millions
               Bob & Roberta makes me smile
                     Rirkrit makes dinner
                    Maurizio makes books too
                      Joseph makes everyone an artist



  1. I like it. Though how do you intend to present this and how different is it from similar things printed on T-shirts? Granted it takes alot more knowledge than -

    Kylie 9
    Christina 8
    Britney 7 etc etc

  2. guys sign your fucking comments!

    ok, at the moment it's just typewritten & most likely to end up in the zine rather than on a wall.

    It's supposed to be kind of whimsical and irreverent & intrinsically a bit crap.

    I dunno I like the idea of describing all these artists in such simplistic terms,

    Donald Judd makes shelves is a gross over-simplification but also true....

    I think everything had gotten a little serious for me recently and I felt a need to be facetious

  3. It reminds me of a children's book. And of the thing that Jane Topping wrote for our seconds out (no offense Jane) if you saw that. Maybe you play could on that childish aspect and make it a little more obvious that your taking the piss.

    Seriously though, facetiousness is good - like a jabbie jobbie when you're used to diharrea.

    You could also add: Voit makes shit. Although that is actually what he makes... Rirkrit has three arse by the way.


  4. I have no idea what a "jabbie jobbie" is, but this site's now the second result on Google for it.

  5. I've heard of a jobbie jabber, which is obviously a homosexual. I just googled jabbie jobbie also and I love how the third hit is for Jobbie as baby name haha.

  6. I'm pretty sure i've heard jabbie jobbie before but I did live with Brent for ages
