
A wee update on the progress of the zine. 

All the pages of the zine have now been photocopied, at the moment I have created 50 issues enough for ourselves and to hand out in a few areas in Brighton and Carlisle. If anyone else has any ideas where they zine can be distributed in your area give me a message about how many copies you will need. (I am doing the photocopying on the fly at the uni so it may take a while for you to receive your copies). 

I am currently saving up the massive £23.99 to purchase a long arm stapler which I will be able to buy next thursday hopefully you will receive your sparkling new zine in the post in two weeks! Actually I will see if I can borrow the long arm stapler we used the last time from the uni tomorrow and get the zine sent off before then.

I think it may be a good idea to get the next zine started soon as this one is finished, I know that a few of us have work ready to go into a new zine already, will be good to keep the momentum up. I will send a proper message asking for works of art next week. Speaking with Sam earlier we think it would be cool if we had a free dvd of video work to accompany the zine (just a thought at the moment).

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for the zine comment on this post. Thanks



  1. Shit are asking for works of art now?

    Seriously as I said earlier, can't wait to see it & agree it makes sense to get cracking on the next one given how long this one's taken

  2. Just steal a stapler! Bet you can't guess where I got mine...

    Failing that I'll post you mine if you want to borrow it.

  3. Also, I would like a few spare copies too if possible? I can distribute it in the place I work at so they can laugh at my pathetic attempts at art!

  4. Post a stapler that sounds great but would take too long.

    John I think I could spare about five copies of the zine at the moment because I wont be able to get back at the photocopier in uni for about another two weeks.

    Twenty are going to Sam
    Ten to go around the University
    One for each member of the collective so that's 11
    and finally 3 for the people contributing outside of the collective.

    What would be great though John if you could send me and piece of work for the next zine asap. Ill text you my address when you want it.

  5. Will get on it - message me your address on FB when you can sir
